Which I will share with you now. Brace yourself. Possibly NSFW. Possibly NSFDC (Not Safe for Drinking Coffee, because you might blow some out of your nose or mouth.
With no further ado, Barely Caddy:
I want to point out that not only is he forced to wear a giant sundae like a sandwich board in front of him AND make your golf bag levitate, he also has ice cream on his head.
Ice cream on his head. I'm still trying to figure out what the deep, dark (or not so dark) Freudian meaning of that is. It could be an inner desire for ice cream.
On the plus side for him, he does get to wear pants, so the degradation that comes from having ice cream on his head is offset a little by the pants.
Then again, I could be wrong. Maybe he's happy with his station in life: caddy (and ice cream serving receptacle) by day; stripper by night. How does he have time to finish that degree in astrophysics?
Anyway, I just want to say that this entry is going to be difficult to beat. Yet I said I'd keep the contest open til Friday, and keep it open I will.
If anyone can beat Barely Caddy, I might have to award two prizes...
Um. That's a cherry on his head.
Hmm. From a Freudian point of view, I'm not sure which is worse. Or Better.
the real question is not how to win brownies, but how do i win one of those caddies!!???!?!
Worst. Cherry. Ever.
damn i missed the contest... mine prob woulda been too explicit anyway :/
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