Congratulations to Deborah, known hereafter on this blog as Barely Legal. That's because she told me that the last time she held a golf club, she was barely legal. Funny, I didn't know there was a minimum age to golf in California. Or maybe she meant something else. Oh, I get it now...............sorry, I got distracted there for a minute. Moving right on.
So Barely Legal takes the cake. Please put cake requirements (frosting, decoration, etc.) and desired delivery date in the comments, and it's all yours.
By the way, somebody asked me off line if I had in fact enjoyed Golf School because with all the talk of whippings, arthritis and winos, it wasn't clear. It was terrific, and I give a hearty endorsement to Faldo Golf Institute worldwide. Mike Ellis, one of the trainers at Palm Desert is not only an excellent golfer, but a supremely patient coach with a literal and figurative bag of tricks to improve your game in a short time. They can put that in their press materials if they want, but they probably won't with all the 'barely legal' talk on here.
This picture is a good illustration of how the training works. In the area behind me is the filming tee. You take a few whacks while being filmed from a few different angles. What Mike and I are doing is looking at the laptop, which is connected to the cameras and which is showing me my swing as compared to golf legend, Nick Faldo. The first and most obvious lesson you get from this is that you are terrible and Nick is great at golf. Once you recover from the shame, the trainer points out some really great, useful and specific ways to improve and that's what we're looking at.

He also records his commentary in real-time and clicks a button to email the whole thing to me for later humiliation.
Seriously though, it's pretty awesome. Never trust the yo-yos at the golf course who glance at your swing and tell you that you need to take a wider stance or tilt your head toward Venus or put right hand on red. A swing takes about one second, and the human eye just can't record much info. That's why you need Faldovision.
In fact, tomorrow, I might post some Faldovision video. You'll have to wait and see.
Later today, I'm planning to post a video entitled "Judging Tommy (Human Torch) Overly-Critically On the Driving Range." I"m sure you'll enjoy it.
"Somebody"? I don't get a spiffy nickname like the other kids? Daag.
That's what happens when you post anonymously...
Yes, you must bring your identity into the light.
I'm really looking forward to the next blog, it shows just how great that first day of lessons truly made me. Faldo was watching on a spy-cam somewhere, shaking in his ugly-shoes. (From this day forward, I will no longer refer to them as "golf shoes".) :)
From the video I also realized that Faldo is not only a better golfer than I, but is in much better shape, has better posture, and is generally more attractive.
Yeah, you're right, Yak. I think I'm going to convert to Faldoism.
you guys going golfing this weekend? If you are, give me a call or shoot me an email
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